Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year, New You

I absolutely deplore that saying: 'New Year, New You'. I truly don't believe the New Year has anything to do with making a change, whether it's a relationship, health, kindness or anything else. It's just another day when you think about it; all you update is the year at the end of the date. You can make a change at any time of the year.

But, I do like the idea of leaving negativity and bad memories behind in the past year and forging ahead with happy thoughts and a renewed sense of purpose in the New Year. And that's what I'm mostly looking forward to.

I've had a lot of bad things happen to me things this past year, namely getting a divorce. But I'm looking forward to 2016 with fresh eyes, and have decided to leave all the garbage that was associated with my divorce behind me in 2015.

When I received the papers on Dec 7, 2015, I had a long heart-to-heart with God that completely wore me out. But during that time, I asked Him to help me leave it all behind so that I could move forward and be happy again. I didn't want something that had happened so long ago to affect my future.

While I was praying, I asked Him to close that chapter in my life, and put all that negativity onto the papers and file it all away at once. And, I truly believe He answered my prayer. Once I filed those papers away, I felt so much happier, like a weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders and I could breathe again.

I was happy, and looking forward to my future.

2016 hasn't even begun yet, but there are so many things that I'm looking forward to experiencing in this next year. I'm deciding to be positive, not letting my circumstances hold me back, and to be a light for Christ no matter what trials come my way.

I'm looking forward to new relationships that I know will form, both friendships and romance. I'm looking forward to teaching my 4th, 5th and 6th graders and growing closer to them as they grow closer to Christ. I'm looking forward to going on the Winter Retreat with my church to spend a weekend with my kids. I'm looking forward to the possibility of going on a mission trip. I'm looking forward to attending at least one wedding, with the potential for two. I'm looking forward to where my career will lead me.

2016 is looking like a beautiful year, and it's not even started yet.

The reason of this post isn't to brag about how great I believe 2016 will be for me, but to inspire you to think the same. Many people have had a difficult 2015 - I know I have - but, I've learned that if we are willing to leave all that behind us and start fresh in the new year, we will have more happiness than we could ever imagine experiencing.

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

So, pack up your baggage; leave it in the past. Pick yourself up and forge a new trail.

Start out the new year with a new set of eyes. And I promise, happiness will find you.

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