Friday, December 11, 2015

Puddle. On. The. Floor

The Bible makes it very clear that children are a gift from God, a blessing that we should cherish forever. Growing up, I wasn't a big kid person. If I had my way, I'd hang out with people older than me, simply because I got along with them better.

Don't get me wrong, I always wanted kids of my own, but I never really wanted to be around other people's kids. Especially if the parent wasn't going to discipline the child or just let the kid act crazy and pretend like they don't see it. That drives me crazy, and I always told myself that when I finally did have kids, mine would not be like that.

Isn't that what anybody who doesn't have kids thinks? "My kids will NOT misbehave. If they do, they will get in trouble." Or: "I can't believe that mom/dad isn't stepping in and handling this situation." Or, my personal favorite: "If I were his parent,...", fill in the blank.

Truthfully, I have no idea how my kids will be or how I will react to certain things. I was naive to think that I knew the correct way to raise a child when I hadn't even had the opportunity, and would much rather steer clear of any kids to whom I wasn't related.

My perspective of children changed drastically just over 3 years ago. My niece was born on June 1, 2012 and, though I was excited to be an uncle, I had no idea what that would entail. I honestly didn't think anything in my life would change.

Oh, how wrong I was.

I went to the hospital to see her, and awkwardly waited my turn to hold her, as she was passed from mom to dad to aunts and other uncles and Omah (my mom) and Opah (my dad) and everybody else who was there. I didn't really know how to react when it was finally my turn. Honestly, I was terrified; I'd never held a newborn baby, and wanted to get the experience over with as soon as possible.

But the moment I held her in my arms, a love I couldn't explain then and still can't explain today overwhelmed me. And when she blindly reached out and grabbed my thumb in her tiny hands? Let me tell you something - my heart stopped, and I completely melted. I was a puddle on the floor in the middle of all these people, some I knew and others I had never met. That little girl completely stole my heart.

Now she's 3, turning 4 in June (I still can't believe it's already been 3 1/2 years!), and she is one of my favorite people in the world. When I find out that she's in town, I get all giddy with excitement; I can't wait to see her! She completely transformed my life in the most unexpected way, and she will probably never know exactly how much she's impacted me. She is the sweetest, sassiest, funniest, kindest, most imaginative 3-year-old diva I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I can't wait to watch her grow up, even though a big part of me wishes I could dip her in wax and freeze her in this moment.

But this post isn't all about my sweet, beautiful Arabella. It's also about her little brother, Khale. He was born on September 17, 2014, and he's my best bud. He is truly the happiest baby I have ever met - the only time he really gets upset is when he's hungry, which I believe is just a Dearborn trait.

But that little boy, with his head full of curls, drool dripping down his face, a goofy grin no matter what, and wonder-filled eyes has also captured a place in my heart. When I see him, it's an act of Congress to make me give him to somebody else. I like to call myself the baby-whisperer when I handle him, because I'm one of the only people who can calm him down, and he almost always falls asleep when I'm holding him.

Again, I can't wait to see him grow up and see him take the world by storm, but at the same time, if I could, I'd lock him in a state of permanent adolescence so he never got older.

Those two kids have transformed my life. They are two of my most favorite people in the world, because they're so full of life, wonder and imagination. I have nothing but love for them, and can't wait to see them any chance I get. My favorite is when I get home from a hard day to find that they came to visit - they instantly make my day better.

Do I get on the floor and play trains, or dragons, or horses, or anything else those crazy kids come up with? You're darn right. I'm not willing to miss out on any opportunity to show them how much I care for them. I want them both to know undoubtedly that "Uncle Airwin" loves them and will always be there for them, no matter what trials come up. They can count on me.

As I said previously, the Bible makes it clear that children are a blessing from God, and I have to agree with that 100%. They have blessed my life in more ways than I can count or even begin to list here. I don't know where I'd be without those two stink-pots in my life.

So, take time to cherish those kids around you, whether you're their parents, their aunt/uncle, their cousin, or they're just a kid you know. Don't miss out on all the wonders of life that we as adults can so easily glaze over when the pressures and stress of work, bills and life itself arise. Have wonder-filled eyes like a 1-year-old, and the imagination of a 3-year-old.

Because, truly, it can change your entire perspective.

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