Tuesday, November 17, 2015

God is a Compass

With all the stuff I've gone through recently, I have learned that we are not supposed to be the tour guide of our lives; we are only supposed to be sitting in the passenger seat and enjoying the ride, as God leads us where He wants us.

But this is so much harder to do than people realize. We, as humans, have a desire to be in control of everything we can about our lives: we want to decide where we work, who we marry, how many kids we'll have, what we do with our money, where we will live, and so much more. But what we must realize is that our plans can't even begin to measure up to what God has planned for us.

They say if you want to hear God laugh, tell Him your plans. I don't believe this is because God thinks our plans are ridiculous, or stupid, or un-achievable. I believe that God knows where we need to be and how we need to get there.

I know for myself, I like to believe that I know what I'm doing and I don't need anybody to help me. However, I'm sure God is often shaking His head and saying "No, come this way. This is a better path." But because I'm a fallen human, I ignore his direction and do my own thing, just to realize that the path I had thought looked so inviting was actually full of pitfalls and set-backs.

But because God is gracious, He always picks me up, dusts me off, and leads me back to the correct path, even after I completely ignore His direction. He knows what I need for my life, but rather than force me to go down the path He has chosen, He waits patiently for me to choose it for myself. And I believe He celebrates when we choose to follow where He guides.

The Bible is clear where God stands with our futures and the paths He wants for us. Jeremiah 29:11 states: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

He wants us to succeed in life; He wants us to live fulfilling lives; He wants us to find joy with His creation. He doesn't want to harm us, hinder us, or scare us. He wants the best for us, just like any loving father would for his children. Except, God is the ultimate loving Father. He will never turn away from us, despite how many times we may turn away from Him; He will happily be waiting for us to come back, with a smile on His face and His arms open.

Sometimes I think we put Him in our pocket (or a box, if you will), and forget He's even there until we get into a tight spot. Then we go back to Him and ask Him where He was, when He was waiting for us right where we left Him.

Looking back on the past 6 years of my relationship, I realize that I was running away from His direction. I was completely blind, stumbling down a tunnel, trying my hardest to prove that I could handle it on my own. What I didn't realize was that as I fumbled around, I was getting even farther away from the lighted path, my hands and feet were getting cut by thorns that I refused to acknowledge, and my hope was growing dim. I was stranded in a wilderness with no way out, but unwilling to show that I was in need of help.

But how foolish was I? The answer? Completely. I was completely foolish to believe that I knew better than the God of the universe. I was completely foolish to believe that I could guide my steps better than the God who actually knows which steps I need to take. I was foolish in letting my heart and head cloud my judgment, leading me down a path that was clearly marked as "Danger".

As I've said before, I believe that everything happens for a reason; I don't believe in consequences. And the same holds true for this. I believe that if I hadn't gone down this path, disregarding God's warnings, I wouldn't have grown closer to Him and learned to lean on Him in times of need. The Bible states that He uses all things for His good (Romans 8:28), so who am I to say that He couldn't use my straying down the wrong path to lead me to a closer relationship with Him?

With everything that I have gone through with my divorce, I have learned to trust His guidance. Though I still sometimes make rash decisions, I try to speak to my God first and foremost. I try to listen to what He is telling me about everything, so that He can guide my steps. I'd much rather Him lead me through a dimly lit path where I can't even see what's in front of me, than step out on my own on the well-lit path and fall into a carefully concealed pit.

Instead of diving headfirst into anything, I try to seek His direction. I ask my friends to pray for me to receive spiritual guidance in all endeavors, because I am so tired of making mistakes. I pray before I read my Bible, asking God to speak to me through it. I ask Him to give me wisdom in all matters of my life, no matter how insignificant they may appear. Because I know He cares about the minutest of details.

Currently, I am struggling with this because I am requesting guidance for a certain aspect of my life, and seem to be receiving conflicting answers. I've talked to a few people and I know where they stand. But, I'm scared that I don't know what God is saying.

At times I feel like He's telling me "Yes, this is what I have planned for you, stop hesitating!" But then doubt doubt and fear enter, and it seems that I hear Him telling me "No, steer clear. Don't follow that path; that's not what I have planned for you." What if I'm wrong about what He wants for me? What if I'm giving my own opinions and making myself believe they're what God is saying?

What if I'm making a rash decision based on what everyone else is telling me?

And so I pray. I pray that God will silence those other voices so I can hear exactly what He wants for me. I pray that He will speak to me in ways that will make all hesitation, doubt and fear fade away. I pray that He will guide my steps in all things, leading me exactly where He wants me. And I pray that whenever He finally decides to reveal the next part of my path, I will obediently listen and take that step, even if that means I'm grasping onto Him with trembling hands.

I can't say for certain what my next step is, but I know that God will lead me into taking it when His timing arrives. All I need to do is pray, listen, and act when He tells me to.

As my title states, I like to think of God as a compass. He points us in the right direction, if we only ask Him for guidance. So, I have chosen to move to the passenger seat and give God the wheel. I know the road He takes me on will be so much more fulfilling than any I could have traveled down on my own.

Let God be your compass and point you down the right path. After all, He already knows the way.


So, God basically slapped me in the face last night. He made me realize that I wasn't listening to Him; I was listening to everyone else, and the consequence was that His voice was the one that I had drowned out.

So word of advice, make sure you know to whom you're actually listening. And make sure if you're listening to people, it aligns with what God is saying.

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