Thursday, June 23, 2016

Intentionally Speaking

Proverbs 12:18 NIV says: "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."

Working with kids at my church, babysitting my niece and nephew, being an 'adopted uncle' to some boys at church, and hanging out with my girlfriends' siblings, I have learned one major thing: watch what you say.

When you are surrounded by kids, you have to make sure you word things in a way that is innocent to their ears so that they don't  begin saying something they shouldn't. But honestly, if a child shouldn't say it, neither should we.

If we get onto a kid for saying something, why do we feel it's alright for us to say it, just because we are an adult?

I have caught myself saying things along the lines of the casual: "Well, that's retarded."
Or even the jovial: "Okay, short-bus."
Or even the laughing: "You're such an idiot."

But when we hear kids say these things, our tunes change. We tell them to watch their mouths, or 'you shouldn't say that'.

Why is it okay for an adult to say those kind of things, but a child can't? After all, kids are always listening. They're learning from us what they're supposed to say and do, and this includes those casual derogatory statements we all make without even thinking about it. So, how can we get onto them when they're just copying us?

This can also be geared towards harsher words that we, as society, have deemed a cuss-word. Personally, I try not to cuss, and most of the people I know don't cuss. But, why is it that the adults who cuss don't see the problem with it, but once a child says the same word, our reaction is either: 1) "How cute!?" or 2) "Don't say that!" ?

None of that makes sense to me. I don't believe in double standards, and once you boil it down, that's all this is: a double standard. Adults can do one thing while telling kids to do another.

Proverbs 20:23 NIV talks on this very clearly: "The LORD detests double standards; He is not pleased by dishonest scales."

Interesting. The Lord detests double standards. And yet, as a society, we seem to live with them, almost willingly.

As I continue to learn more about what kids ministry entails, I have intentionally changed the way I speak. I don't want to be considered a double standard. I don't want a kid to hear me say something unintentionally derogatory, and think that's okay. I don't want anyone to hear me say something that could be deemed derogatory, and think "well, if that's how Christian's act, I don't want to be one."

If we say something is 'retarded', that's derogatory to the people who have any type of retardation, whether mentally or physically.

If we say something is 'gay', that's derogatory towards homosexuals of both genders.

If we joke about someone being 'slow' or 'riding the short-bus', that's derogatory towards those who deal with those handicaps daily.

As a society, we need to be intentional in what we say. We need to guard our tongues, and make sure that we aren't being derogatory, whether intentionally or unintentionally. We must speak words of kindness and love, instead of ones that have the potential to harm others.

As Christians, we must live and speak in a way that guides people to Christ. That's our sole purpose on Earth: to lead people to Christ and help grow His kingdom.

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirits has come upon you, and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.' - Acts 1:8 ESV.

It's hard to do this when we're living a double standard by saying one thing, then getting onto kids for doing the same thing.

So, why don't we start leading by example by guarding our tongues, speaking intentionally, and raising a generation who doesn't throw derogatory terms out like moon pies at a Mardi Gras parade?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Proactive Living Can Produce Miracles

When we go through hardships or trials, we ask for people to pray in support of us. We ask for people to pray for strength, courage, endurance, patience, whatever we need in order to survive the hardship or trial we are facing.

And that's all well and good.

But, what happens when we ask for prayer, but don't follow up on praying ourselves?

Recently, a lot of changes have been thrown at my life, from whether or not I'm supposed to leave my current career to pursue a new career and passion I feel God is giving me, to whether or not I'm supposed to move out on my own, to when is the right time to move my relationship forward, to daily things I struggle with, to minor things that a simple prayer could easily remedy.

There is a constant stream of needs in my life that require prayer. When one thing resolves itself, it seems another pops up. When that one gets fixed, something else decides to rear its ugly head. It's an endless cycle, and in today's society, it's almost too easy to simply pass the issue to someone else and try to make it their problem.

With the past weekend's tragedies in Orlando from Christina Grimmie being shot after her concert, to the mass murder at the gay nightclub, to the unfortunate and untimely death of a 2-year-old from an alligator attack, social media is buzzing with posts about praying for these people and their families. Prayer for encouragement, peace and strength to get through such a tragic loss.

But when does it become just another thing we say, but don't actively do? Facebook is currently flooding with posts about asking for prayer; but, how often do we share those posts but never actually commit to praying for the families who have to deal with the tragedy? How often do we post something just for the attention it will give us, instead of for true purposes where someone truly needs it? How often have we talked about the tragedies that have happened and complained about the state our world is in, but never actually done anything to fix it?

How often do we talk about the issues, but don't actually pray for them?

On a lighter note, how often do we ask for prayer for ourselves, but then realize that we aren't even really praying for that area in our lives? How often do we talk about what we are dealing with, questioning in our lives, or feel like we're being called to, but don't actually pray about it? How often do we graciously accept others prayers, but don't actively pray ourselves?

How often do we tell someone we will pray for them, then forget? How often does life get so crazy, we forget that we promised to keep someone in our prayers? Personally, it happens more than I'd like to admit. I'll tell someone I'll pray for them, do it once, then completely forget to continue praying for them, because something else has come up.

That is a major issue.

We must realize that we are not here to share a tragic news story in order to get a ton of 'likes' on Facebook. We aren't supposed to post that we're praying for someone, just to show others how holy and righteous we are. We shouldn't ask for prayer for something we aren't willing to actively pray for ourselves. We shouldn't pray for someone once, then consider it a done deal.

With everything that I'm currently dealing with, it's easy to ask for prayer and then turn a blind-eye and think "well, they've got it covered." But that's not right. I have to catch myself when I have these kind of thoughts, because I don't want to become complacent. I don't want to count on other people's prayers to help resolve things I'm dealing with, because for all I know, it was just their way of showing that they're a righteous person, but tomorrow they'll completely forget about my problems. Them praying for me to receive peace, discernment and encouragement is great, but wouldn't it also be even better if I prayed for peace, discernment and encouragement in my situations, as well?

Prayer is the only way to have true peace, because the peace we receive is from Christ: "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:26 NIV.

God desires a relationship with all of His children, myself included. By allowing someone else to pray for me while I'm not praying for myself, I am neglecting that relationship. It's something we, as Christians, must be proactive about. We must be proactive about our relationship with Christ, and part of this is prayer. The Bible is very clear on this: "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done." - Philippians 4:6.

We are called to pray about everything, whether for ourselves or for others. We must be proactive.

Instead of focusing on the tragedies of this world and how we can use it for our own gain, we should focus that attention instead on prayer. Instead of just talking nonstop about something we desire, want, feel, or need, we should focus all that energy into prayer. Instead of asking for prayer, then turning away once we know someone else is praying, we should join with them in prayer.

The Bible specifically tells us that when we collectively pray for something, it will be done if we have faith:

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." - Matthew 18:19 NIV.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." - Mark 11:24 NIV.

How amazing would it be if our world became one that didn't obsess with having the most Instagram followers, the most Facebook likes, or the most Twitter re-tweets, but rather, collectively joined together in prayer for one another during major tragedies like those in Orlando this past weekend or for decisions that must be made in individual lives?

How astounding would our world be if we were proactive about our relationships with Christ, giving it all to Him, and actually praying for one another without the confines of what good it will do us?

If we join together as a society in prayer instead of focusing on how many likes, tweets or followers we can get for a news article, miraculous things can happen.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Detours and Derailments

Sometimes our lives take a derailment that we weren't expecting, and it can completely throw us off course. This can be absolutely terrifying, especially if you're like me and have your future planned out. If you've worked hard for something, just to believe that you're being called to something else. If you want to follow His guidance, but are scared of the steps.

Let me back up.

Sometime around April, I began feeling like I was supposed to have a bigger part in kids ministry. Not believing that this meant I was supposed to give up my job at the TV station, I stepped up and volunteered more until where I am now: a central part of the kids ministry, where the directors know that whenever they need someone to help out, I'll be there.

Currently, I do media at 8am on Sundays for kids; teach 4th grade boys at 9:30am on Sundays; substitute for 11:15am teachers as needed; recruit people to volunteer with kids ministry; help lead worship on Wednesday nights; teach 5th grade boys on Wednesday nights; and, have gone to one camp, and have another two in the near future.

But, despite all of that, I still felt like I wasn't doing enough. The more I volunteered, the more I thought that next step would be fulfilling, and I would finally be satisfied, but I was wrong. It was just another thing to do - which, I'm not complaining, because I love volunteering - but with that on top of my full-time job, trying to lead a small group, have a social life, act as an 'adoptive uncle' to some kids from the church, and still get plenty of God-time and sleep in, I was slowly becoming mentally exhausted.

Part of me felt like I was supposed to do something drastic. Part of me felt like I was supposed to quit my job at the TV station and work full-time in kids ministry. But, surely that wasn't really the case. I had worked so hard to get where I am now in my career, that surely God wouldn't be calling me to give it all up. It didn't make any sense. I'd have to find another way to cope with all my responsibilities.

This past Sunday, my pastor started a series about the life of Joseph, and at one point, he covered Proverbs 3: 5-6: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths." Then the pastor continued and said: "God is always preparing you for what He has prepared for you."

At the time, it didn't really hit me. Honestly, when I heard this, I thought back to a conversation my girlfriend and I had had a day or two before concerning her job. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to be looking elsewhere or if she was supposed to stay. She was confused and unclear as to where her future was headed. To me, it made perfect sense that this passage of Scripture would speak to her.

Silly me.

It turns out, she was thinking about me during that sermon, and thought that it made perfect sense that the sermon would speak to me.

As I said, I didn't put much thought into it. Then, though small groups are 'on hiatus' until Fall, my group had decided they wanted to continue meeting during the summer, but to watch sermons on RightNow Media and discuss them. After searching the site, we finally settled on one called "Discovering God's Will" by Andy Stanley.

The sermon was going great - it was very impactful and insightful. I felt myself learning more about how to discern what God wanted for me, and my thoughts kept returning to kids ministry. Oddly enough, they never once went to my current job. They were constantly focused on kids ministry and how I could further that.

Then, he mentioned Proverbs 3: 5-6, and I lost concentration.

My heart started to pound; my hands grew clammy; I felt like I couldn't breathe; my stomach was tightening until I felt like I was going to be sick; I felt like someone had reached into my chest, grabbed my heart and began to twist; a headache was beginning to form behind my eyes. I was tempted to stand up and walk out, just to get away from it.

After all of that, I knew what God was telling me: "Stop making excuses. You aren't satisfied, because you aren't listening to what I'm telling you. I don't want you to just volunteer; I have big plans for you in kids ministry, so start paying attention!"

Let me just say, this thought absolutely terrified me. It was thrilling and exhilarating, because I would absolutely love to work with these kids as a full-time job. But it's also terrifying to feel like you've worked so hard to get somewhere in life, just to realize that God is directing you somewhere else.

I had worked so hard to finish college with a degree in broadcast; I had started off at the bottom of the totem-pole as a part-time programmer to where I am currently the Director of Programming, a graphic designer, and a digital sales coordinator. And now, to believe God is calling me to a completely different direction? Terrifying.

How is this possible? Why would He do this to me? Why would He lead me down one path, just to completely alter it to another?

I have absolutely no answers. It didn't, and still doesn't, make any sense. I'm completely lost.

On Monday when I woke up, I decided that I knew what God was telling me, and there was no point in continuing to deny what He's told me: I reached out to the kids director at my church and asked if there were any positions available at the church.

With two words, my life went into a tailspin: "Unfortunately, no."

What? What are you talking about? Why would God tell me something, then completely close that door? Again, it didn't make any sense. I was lost in a tornado of confusion. Not know what else to say, I asked that if any openings arise, they keep me in mind, and his response was "Absolutely". At least that was something.

Then I did my morning devotion and you can probably guess what it was on. If you guessed Proverbs 3: 5-6, you're correct.

Now, I don't believe in coincidence. I don't believe there are accidents. Everything happens for a reason. God allows, or denies, everything that happens for some purpose, whether we realize it or not. And this was no different.

My confusion got swept away. He reminded me that I don't have to understand what's going on. I don't have to understand why He's put this desire in my heart if the opportunity isn't there. Maybe I was only supposed to start this process by allowing my church to know I was interested, and I'm not supposed to rush into it. Maybe He's got something great prepared for me further along.

I. Don't. Know.

I don't understand what God is doing in my life, but He's been consistently reminding me that I don't need to know what He's doing. He's got a great plan for me, and He's going to make my path straight. All I have to do is follow His lead, and I will safely make it through this tornado of confusion.

I still have doubts and questions about it. It's hard to fathom that God would decide to alter my life so drastically, but I know He had a reason for bringing me to the TV station, and that He now has one for potentially taking me away. As Proverbs says, I'm not leaning on my own understanding, because I don't understand it at all.

And God knows this. He knows I'm confused. He's been sending me gentle reminders to show me that He's still got this. In my moments of doubt, I receive confirmation that He's handling this.

For example (and I'm mainly putting these here to remind myself when I have doubts):

1. When I was doing my quiet time at work during my lunch break on Monday, I was reading the footnotes of Joshua and came across: "Like He did at the Red Sea, Yahweh brought His people through a crossing that they could not undertake in their own strength. Every big act for God begins with a small step of faith." -- I took a small step of faith. Now it's God's turn to do a big act with my small step.

2. When I got home from work on Monday, I had a letter from the church (which I have never received mail from the church - normally I just get an email - so this was super weird) for an invitation to a special event for certain leaders who have had a big impact at the church to discuss the "church's expanding vision". -- Could this be an answer? Could they be expanding and this is what God is getting me prepared for? I don't know, and until I attend the meeting in August, I won't, so I've decided not to read too much into it.

3. My girlfriend saw a picture and felt compelled to share it with me. It said: "Further, since it is God who calls us, we can expect to have a burden for whatever it is He wants us to do. For the Apostle Paul, for example, it was preaching the gospel to those who are not Jews. Another way we can identify our calling is to become aware of the burden God has placed on our hearts." -- Well, I can definitely tell you what the burden I feel for my life is.

4. I've spoken to a handful of my family and a few of my closest friends concerning this and their reactions have all been the same: "You would do incredible at that!"; "Your passion for those kids is so evident!"; "I've been wondering when you were going to make that decision!"

5. I was having doubts about my ability to be full-time in kids ministry, and randomly (yeah, right) came across a picture that said: "Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark... professionals built the Titanic."

So, though I don't know where my life is going to lead me, though I don't know when He's going to open doors for me to take another step of faith, I'm trusting in Him that He will take my hand and guide me to the correct doors.

It's terrifying and exhilarating, frightening and exciting, all these crazy emotions at once. But, again, I don't have to lean on my own understanding (hallelujah, because I don't understand any of it), and I can rest assured that God will provide the way if this is truly His will for me.